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Happy new year to all of you ! Thank you for your support.
Last year a new version of the game has appeared. It is a full rewrite of the game to make it run on Android and iPad devices. It was necessary due to the end of Java support by Apple and to a too large number of Windows players using wrong graphic drivers.
This year the iPad version will be released and the game will be improved.
Current version of the game for Mac and Windows is 5.02, we made two updates since the initial launch.
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Mahjong In Poculis 5 is online for Windows players !
Bug report for new version on Mac and Android:
The particles that are shown as a gift when you finish a layout are not shown anymore since last monday ! The problem comes from the update of a third part library and it is solved. The Mac version is already ok and the Android one has been uploaded on Google Play Store, you have to wait some hours before it is available publicly.
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Official release of Mahjong In Poculis 5.0 for Mac computers !
It's been a while since it was promised but the first step is finally crossed, the game should be stable enough to make you enjoy it on Mac.
Some changes occurred to make the game the same on iPad and Android tablets than on desktop computers. If you don't like this new version you can return to the previous one here.
Here is a list of improvements:
- No more Java language, allowing the game to be published on the App Store. We will send it for approval next month if your feedback is good enough during the first month of public release. Please tell us all the things that don't work as expected.
- You can see the best world performance for each layout. One more time tell us if server is down or if you think answer time is too long.
- You won't loose your statistics on the next updates of the game (it was a Mac only bug).
- You can adjust the lighting to make the symbols to look good with your current screen settings.
- You can now zoom on the layout using the CTRL key + a mouse clic + mouse move.
- Themes are downloaded from a server to reduce the size of the initial package.
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Update: Mahjong In Poculis 5.0 is available directly on Google Play Store here !
Mahjong In Poculis 5.0 is available on Google Play Store. Be sure to get at least a 7" tablet to try it. It is playable on 5.5" Galaxy Note phones but I think they are a little too small to enjoy the game.
To get the game link, you have to register to the tester community then go to the Mahjong In Poculis Download Page, it is an obligation from Google to avoid inserting non stable products on the Play Store. Don't hesitate to give it 5 stars and a nice comment :) If there are things that don't work well, just tell me and I'll change them.
The new Windows version will be published this week.
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Here are the files for the first beta-test of Mahjong In Poculis 5.0 !
- Mac version (a good alternative if current one doesn't work for you)
- Windows version
- The tool to help us making translations
Only the french translation is ok. The English one contains errors and the other ones made using 'google translate' are not usable as such because I'll feeling something weird with the words I saw... So please correct files and don't hesitate to add new ones if you want your contry to be added.
The Mac webcam is not connected, temporarily.
Update 09 September 2013 : Gerard35 pointed some deficiencies and made his list of suggestions. Some of them are already online, you can download the package again. Moreover Franz did an excellent job to translate the game into German and Italian. Thanks you !
Update 28 September 2013 : A new beta version is online with new fixes and improvements. Please test it and report us all the things you don't like. Moreover if you want to translate the game into your language, you are welcome :)
Update 01 October 2013 : You can now zoom in and out, move the layout and adjust lighting of each theme. Mac version is also more stable.
Somebody for the spanish translation ?Page 4 of 7